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LMRA is a not-for profit association dedicated to preserving, promoting, and enhancing the quality of life in Lower Milford Township. We are not associated with any government, or corporate entity. We believe that a well informed resident when cooperating with other residents is the most powerful way to ensure a great Township to live in.

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We need your support to continue fighting for our quality of life. This year will be critical in our fight with Geryville Materials as they litigate the remaining Zoning Board Hearing and appeal the local decisions to the courts.

Renewing membership or joining early in the year, helps us plan our strategy for the remainder of the year

If you have not renewed or joined please consider doing so.

Please fill in form by clicking here. You will receive copy by e-mail. Send it in with your payment.

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Help us fight for Lower Milford Township.

You can help with fundraisers, programs, publicity, and leadership.Sign up here to help LMRA. Spend as much time as you would like.

If you would like to download a Volunteer Form, you can download it here. Fill it out and send it to us.

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Saving, "The Jewel of the Lehigh Valley" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lori Sickenberger   
Monday, 05 December 2016 02:18

Our 12 year quarry battle has reached across the state lines to Michigan.  Mary McKSchmidt, a write, photographer and Great Lakes Advocate has heard our story.  She was so deeply moved that she wrote a blog, telling our story to readers across the United States. You can read her blog at http://www.marymckschmidt.com/blog

As stated by Mary in her blog:

Every once in a while I hear a story that inspires, that reminds me that when we choose to work arm-in-arm to protect that which we hold dear, we can accomplish what feels like the impossible.

This is such a story.

For over twelve years, a group of citizens has been battling a proposed 600+ acre quarry that would decimate what has been described as “The Jewel of Lehigh Valley.” Tucked among the rolling hills of Eastern Pennsylvania, the land in Lower Milford Township is defined by its narrow, winding roads threading through century-old historic stone homes, forested acres of land, streams, farmland, wetlands, and dairy farms. The quarry plans, which include an asphalt plant and concrete distribution facility, threaten the quality of the groundwater and the air; put at risk the endangered bog turtles and Eastern brown bats; threaten the brown trout in nearby streams; and damage the ambiance of what approximately 3,700 people call home.

Since 2004, this relatively small group of people has kept a Goliath of seemingly infinite resources at bay, fending off seventeen separate quarry suits and appeals. But while the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has twice ruled in favor of the people, the lawsuits and appeals from Geryville Materials continue. It appears the company’s strategy is to wear down the people, to financially bankrupt those standing in the way of the quarry.

While the sword of the average warrior would be dulled and chipped from so many years of conflict, the woman with whom I spoke exuded great passion and a fierce commitment to persevere. I could feel her energy; see her and the team battling through endless public hearings, dissertations, and courtroom arguments. She has my respect, my admiration, and my love.

She is Rubin’s sister.
Life worth protecting
A 200-year old dairy farm operated by father and daughters. Owner, protesting the proposed quarry, testified, "a happy cow is a productive cow."
As you consider year-end tax-deductible contributions, please consider donating to the Lower Milford Residents Association, a 501c-3 not-for-profit organization. To a group accustomed to raising money for legal fees by selling cookies, cakes, flowers, and Poinsettias to families throughout rural Pennsylvania, no check is too small. Mail your tax-deductible donation to:

​Lower Milford Residents Association (LMRA)
PO Box 138
Limeport, PA 18060

While this is not a Great Lakes battle, it is a fight to protect the water, the air, the land, and life on this planet. To learn more visit: 


Thank you for considering this very personal request for help.


Last Updated on Monday, 05 December 2016 02:25

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